TOCC Ultra
TOCC Ultra is a training project to accompany the development and implementation of projects that pursue the aims and general objective of the MI1C3 - I-.3.3.2 (A II) sub-investment and encourage innovation and the use of digital technology along the entire value chain of cultural enterprises.
Within the Umbria Digital Deal Network, the objective is to accompany, by providing tools and support knowledge, cultural operators active in the national territory, in the redevelopment of the value chain of the cultural and creative sector in a digital and technological key.
The project addresses all areas ofcultural industry with the aim of helping recipients to develop and implement projects related to sub-investment MI1C3 — AII. TOCC Ultra intends to offer a service of”Expert answers” and support services for the implementation of innovative projects, as well as a set of informational materials, able to strengthen digital skills both for cultural production and for the management of the innovation project.
The goal is to allow all companies, both non-profit and profit, to strengthen the implementation of innovation, making them autonomous in the development of future projects, promoting new models of digitalization and “doing business”. Thanks to the network's know-how, the service will increase skills in the field of:
- management of the business plan;
- taxation;
- administrative management and reporting;
- innovation and digitalization of production processes;
- participation in selective procedures;
- promotion and communication of culture;
Other partners
- Giove In Formatica srl
- Le Fucine srl
- Umbra Foundation for Architecture Galeazzo Alessi
Contact person
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