The National Program for the Guarantee of Employability of Workers, known as GOL, is an initiative promoted by the Regional Agency for Active Labor Policies that aims to promote employment and improve job opportunities for citizens and citizens.
The GOL is part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - Mission 5 Component 1 Reform 1.1, Who has the objective of rStrengthen the labor and employment system, encouraging the adaptation of workers' skills to market needs and promoting active employment policies.
Through the GOL, various initiatives and opportunities are promoted, including professional training, the creation of job placement paths, support in active job search and professional orientation. The objective is to promote the growth of workers' skills and to promote the encounter between demand and supply of labor.
The GOL program offers support for citizens looking for employment, providing them with tools and resources to improve their employability.
Through the website ofRegional Agency for Active Labor Policies you can access more information about the GOL Program, including alerts, updates and documentation relating to current activities and projects: https://www.arpalumbria.it/tipologiaopportunita/programma-nazionale-garanzia-occupabilita-dei-lavoratori-gol
The National Program for the Guarantee of Employability of Workers represents an important tool to promote the encounter between demand and supply of labor and to support the development of employment and professional skills.
Form.action offers a variety of free training courses within the program, to update knowledge and skills in different sectors.
- Music Producer
- Video maker
- Digital pills
- Cultural and Entertainment Events Technician
- Tourism Marketing Technician
- Artistic ceramic processing
- Skills for business development and public relations
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Ilaria Berti
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